"Gazpromneft Marine Bunker" has carried out the first ship refueling with biofuel in Russia.
The main event in the Russian bunker industry in June 2023 was the XVI Bunker Forum held in St. Petersburg, Russia.
XVI All-Russian Forum «Current state and Prospects of Development of the Russian bunkering Services Market»
The Far Eastern company "Binom-T" has become a new member of the SRO "Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers"
Baltic Fuel Company became a sponsor of the bunkering forum in Saint-Petersburg
In spite of the official explanations that the Federal Transport Oversight Agency (FTOA) currently is the only governmental body to control sea port hydratechnic structures (the letter №MC-41/664 from 09.11.2005), the requirement of other agencies (including the Federal Environment Oversight Agency in the North-Western federal region) concerning the elaboration of a safety declaration for the berth facilities is illegal, Prosecutor’s office in Saint-Petersburg after the revision held in one of the companies – member of the Association passed a recommendation (№23-63-824-05 from 29.12.2005) to prevent the breaking of the law about the hydratechnic structures, including the obligation to make a safety declaration of a berth.
Therefore the Association sent an official request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ustinov V.V. asking to explain:
In conclusion the Association kindly asks to annihilate the recommendation №23-63-824-05 from 29.12.2005 issued by the Prosecutor’s office in Saint-Petersburg.