"Gazpromneft Marine Bunker" has carried out the first ship refueling with biofuel in Russia.
The main event in the Russian bunker industry in June 2023 was the XVI Bunker Forum held in St. Petersburg, Russia.
XVI All-Russian Forum «Current state and Prospects of Development of the Russian bunkering Services Market»
The Far Eastern company "Binom-T" has become a new member of the SRO "Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers"
Baltic Fuel Company became a sponsor of the bunkering forum in Saint-Petersburg
The Interagency Committee of petroleum products transshipment in Saint-Petersburg voted solid to incorporate another two companies Nevsky Mazut LLC and Kontur SPb LLC to the Register of the organizations, effecting bunker operations and petroleum products transshipment in Saint-Petersburg (water area of the Saint-Petersburg Sea port, Nevsky bay and the Gulf of Finland). Remind that the Register was founded on the initiative of participants of the industry and under the auspices of Saint-Petersburg government. The aims of the project are protection of interests of conscientious companies, providing of fair trade, increasing of the ecological and navigation safety.
Participation is voluntary and any company, which follows the legislation and is ready to provide the information about its activity, can fill in an application.The information of the Register can be used by the federal authoritiesand executive bodies of Saint-Petersburg while taking the decisionconcerning the bunker companies operations.It is supposed that the clients can use the Register to choose a reliable supplier.
All the documents together with application for incorporation to the Register are archieved in the electronic data base. Special software allows daily receiving information of validity of each document. At the moment two applications - from Lukoil LLC and Petroprom LLC - are under consideration.