"Gazpromneft Marine Bunker" has carried out the first ship refueling with biofuel in Russia.
The main event in the Russian bunker industry in June 2023 was the XVI Bunker Forum held in St. Petersburg, Russia.
XVI All-Russian Forum «Current state and Prospects of Development of the Russian bunkering Services Market»
The Far Eastern company "Binom-T" has become a new member of the SRO "Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers"
Baltic Fuel Company became a sponsor of the bunkering forum in Saint-Petersburg
Probably, this year the charges for the prevention and elimination of emergency fuel spills will return to a fair value. Vladimir Sergeev, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers, told that the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation had to intervene in the long-term dispute between bunkers and Marine Rescue Service (MRS).
In May 2019, Maxim Akimov instructed the Ministry of transport and Rosmorport to assess the validity of the existing charge to prepare proposals "on the possibility of transition to payment for actually rendered services". Currently bunkering companies pay monthly for the MRS readiness to eliminate possible spills. The amount is based on the volume of bunkering. And in addition, actual liquidation services, as well as damage from spills are paid additionally. Above that, the administration of each seaport has its own contract with MRS for elimination of oil spills.
In early 2015 the Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) that MRS unreasonably raised prices for its readiness for elimination of oil spills. In particular, for the bunkering companies of Primorsky Kray, the price for the service was increased by 15 times since January 1, 2015. In March 2016, the FAS recognized the MRS as a violator of the antimonopoly legislation and issued an order to reduce relevant prices. MRS unsuccessfully tried to challenge this order in court.
The order still hasn't been fulfilled, despite the fines repeatedly imposed on MRS and its leader Andriy Khaustov.
The situation almost came to a standstill and demanded extraordinary action. Intervention at such a high level and the release of information into the public domain should complete the restoration of justice.